Ultimate Strategic
Case Study Review
November 2024 & February 2025 Sitting

What's included?
Over 12 hours of video content covering the SCS specific theory you will need to pass the exam first time.
Over 4 booklets giving you full coverage of the strategic level syllabus in an easy to read structure.
Extensive video content covering the pre-seen, plus a pre-seen pack that gives our expert analysis.
Schedule giving you an indicative idea of what you need to be doing to prepare for this exam.
Detailed video content on how to maximise your marks and get the most out of your time in the exam.
Five pre-recorded “could be tested” sessions, showing you questions that are likely to be tested for your specific exam.
Question and solutions pack made for your specific pre-seen, contains twenty questions and easy to understand solutions.
Non-graded assessments that are based on your specific pre-seen, there are eight of these in this course.
Three expertly written mock exams, graded and returned with expert-level feedback to help you improve your answers.
Access to an expert tutor, on-hand to answer your emails, with any questions you might have along the way.
Access to a moderated community with other Procountancy students sitting the same exam as you.
Customer support, on-hand to help you resolve any queries in a prompt fashion.
Product Overview
Your SCS Journey With us
We give you an efficient review of the pre-seen, letting you know the key areas of importance to focus on.
We provide easy to digest videos and notes to ensure you know the entire strategic level syllabus.
We focus on areas that could be tested, and how you should respond to them if they appear on your paper.
We provide question packs, assessments and mocks to ensure you are well prepared for the exam.
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Hugh Martin — Founder & Your Personal Lecturer
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